Monday, February 16, 2015

Reprojecting a shapefile with GDAL OGR and Python

I needed to reproject shapefiles -- unprojected lat/long WGS84 -- and once again the page Geoprocessing with Python using Open Source GIS was of great help, so the credit goes to this page, which is very worthwhile studying as an introduction to using gdal/ogr and Python.

The code below is an adjustment of homework 2b in the page above for my case.

I tried to add explanations to the original code so that its easy to follow by just reading it -- hope Im right....

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Import Modules
import ogr, osr, os, sys

# set file names
infile = C:UsersmaxDocumentsIcechartsDataIceChart_2012ice20120608.shp
outfile = C:UsersmaxDocumentsIcechartsDataIceChart_2012ice20120608_epsg3575.shp

#get path and filename seperately
(outfilepath, outfilename) = os.path.split(outfile)

#get file name without extension          
(outfileshortname, extension) = os.path.splitext(outfilename)   #get file name without extension

# Spatial Reference of the input file

# Access the Spatial Reference and assign the input projection
inSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
inSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326)         # unprojected WGS84

# Spatial Reference of the output file

# Access the Spatial Reference and assign the output projection
# UTM 33N which we use for all Spitsbergen does not work since area too far 
# outside UTM 33
outSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference()
outSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(3575) # EPSG:3575: WGS 84 / North Pole LAEA Europe

# create Coordinate Transformation
coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef)

# Open the input shapefile and get the layer
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(ESRI Shapefile)
indataset = driver.Open(infile, 0)
if indataset is None:
    print Could not open file
inlayer = indataset.GetLayer()

# Create the output shapefile but check first if file exists
if os.path.exists(outfile):

outdataset = driver.CreateDataSource(outfile)

if outfile is None:
    print Could not create file
outlayer = outdataset.CreateLayer(outfileshortname, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)

# Get the FieldDefn for attributes ICE_TYPE and ID and add to output shapefile

# (which i know are in my file)
feature = inlayer.GetFeature(0)
fieldDefn1 = feature.GetFieldDefnRef(ICE_TYPE)
fieldDefn2 = feature.GetFieldDefnRef(ID)


# get the FeatureDefn for the output shapefile
featureDefn = outlayer.GetLayerDefn()

#Loop through input features and write to output file
infeature = inlayer.GetNextFeature()
while infeature:
    #get the input geometry
    geometry = infeature.GetGeometryRef()
    #reproject the geometry, each one has to be projected seperately
    #create a new output feature
    outfeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)
    #set the geometry and attribute
    outfeature.SetField(ICE_TYPE, infeature.GetField(ICE_TYPE))
    outfeature.SetField(ID, infeature.GetField(ID))
    #add the feature to the output shapefile
    #destroy the features and get the next input features
    infeature = inlayer.GetNextFeature()
#close the shapefiles

#create the prj projection file
file = open(outfilepath + \+ outfileshortname + .prj, w)


The unprojected file:

The projected shape file: