Monday, March 2, 2015
Designing 21st Century Learning Experiences at UKM organized by MLAM !

First, I would thank Mobile Learning Association of Malaysia (MLAM) and Prof Mohamed Amin Embi for inviting me to facilitate the 4th Specialized Workshop on Ubiquitous Learning entitled Designing 21st Century Learning Experiences at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) on 29th November 2014.
Yes, I did facilitate a workshop with the same title at UNIMAS on 26th November. Flavor of the month :)
Yes, I did facilitate a workshop with the same title at UNIMAS on 26th November. Flavor of the month :)
If you are attending this workshop, could you please add your name, picture (optional) and what you think is the ingredients for empowering engaging and effective student learning experiences (in a sentence or two) to the Padlet wall below (Direct link). That would simply be awesome! Thanks!Created with Padlet
In this 1-day hands-on workshop, we will explore how to design interactive and engaging student learning experiences using technology. We will actively look at how we can transform face-to-face (F2F) learning using the ‘Flipped Classroom’ and ‘Gamification’ methods. Then we will explore how we can use social media and web 2.0 to engage students, empower collaborative online learning spaces, and development interactive content. Participants will be engaged throughout the workshop with learning activities, including the gamified group challenge during the afternoon. It will be fun, engaging, and participants will get a taste of how they can use technology to transform the students’ learning process.
After this workshop, you will be able to:
- Discuss how the brain learns.
- Apply Gagne’s 9 events of instruction to design more engaging learning content and environments.
- Use web 2.0 tools to design and publish interactive and engaging learning content.
- Apply Flipped Classroom and Gamification methods to your teaching and learning.
- Use interactive web tools to engage and assess students during face-to-face learning sessions.
- Use Social Media to interact and empower students to collaborate online.
Key resources:
- 150+ Awesome Learning Tools
- Best Quick Reference Guides to Web 2.0
- Bloom’s Digital Taxonomies!
- Blended & Flipped Learning: Case Studies in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions
Here we go:
Designing 21st Century Learning Experiences from Zaid Alsagoff

Interactive Web Tools (recommended):
- Padlet
- Poll Everywhere
- Kahoot
- Socrative
Content Development Tools (recommended):
- PowToon
- GoAnimate
- Explain Everything
- TouchCast
- VideoScribe
- Quizlet
- Screenr
- Screencast-O-Matic
- EDPuzzle
- Office Mix (for PowerPoint 2013)
Social Learning (recommended):
- Telegram
- Google Docs
- BlendSpace
- Schoology
Here is a collection of 150+ awesome learning tools to spice up your learning and teaching. Please use the Filter (tags) to narrow down on the type of tool you are looking for (authoring, quiz, LMS, etc.).
Top 100+ Learning Tools on Planet Earth!
View more lists from Zaid Ali Alsagoff
Cant wait!!! :)
Cant wait!!! :)