Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Database Blog Listing Free Software and Resources Patricia Donaghy
- Link to Patricias New Database Blog
- International Edubloggers Directory
- Using ICT in Further Education
"The purpose of this site is to help promote the use of free and open source resources and to share my discoveries with as many people as possible" - Patricia Donaghy

In addition, I like this blogs approach and design, whereby you have a bit of visual stimulation (screenshot or logo of the tool), a super brief summary (one paragraph!) , and of course a link to get you to the free tool. In addition, one question is asked for every tool, which anyone can comment: What do you think of _______?. I think the idea behind your blog is great :)
Actually, this new database blog reminds me a bit of Janes E-Learning Pick of the Day blog, which then stocks up the discovered tools in an amazing Directory of Learning Tools (including about 1,500 free ones!). Though, while Jane focuses on both commercial and free tools, Patricia focuses exclusively on free software and resources (So, no false hope!). So, if you ask me, I would recommend using both these Toolicious sites to explore and discover new free learning tools and resources. By doing so, I am pretty sure we will not miss out on all the juicy free learning tools available to us today.
In addition, Patricia is also creating an International Edubloggers Directory (Check it out!). Finally, she already has a wonderful Using ICT in Further Education blog, which discusses free resources (including some of the interesting tools posted in her Database blog), but also adds tips particularly relevant to education (value added!).
Now that Patricia has 3 blogs (and perhaps others?) to multi-task and maintain, I suppose she will be very busy in the coming days, weeks, months, etc. But then again, embarking on these noble initiatives should provide the sparks, energy and motivation to succeed. Patricia, you certainly have my vote of support (Obama, sorry!) :)